Ancient Root
Dianne Graham, MA, LMHC

3417 Evanston Ave North, Suite 521 Seattle WA 98103
My office is located in Seattle's Fremont District, convenient to many locales.
Phone Calls
You may leave a voicemail on my confidential line at any time. Please state several good times to reach you, and please make sure to provide your phone number.
If you are in emotional crisis, and need immediate help, please call the King County Crisis line at 206-461-3222/toll-free:
866-4-CRISIS. The TDD # for the Crisis Line is: 206-462-3219. If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911.
Because confidentiality cannot be assured via email, or texts, I suggest in-person and phone communication, particularly about sensitive matters. However, if you wish, you are welcome to use
e-mail for scheduling requests and other routine matters.